Tankless water heaters have become more popular than the tank style water heaters for many good reasons. Mainly because water heating is the second largest monthly expense in a typical home. Did you know the average cost to keep water heated is 14 to 18 percent of the home’s utility bill.

Homeowners today are constantly looking for ways to maximize cost and energy savings in their homes. One simple way to save is to invest in an energy-efficient tankless water heater. Check out these 5 reason’s why you should look into the best tankless water heaters.

Installing one in your home could be the wisest choice you make right now.

5 Tankless Water Heater Advantages

1) Continuous Hot Water For Showers and Other Uses Around the House

If your household has over 4 members and you are still using a tank water heater, chances are there’s a constant request for hot water. Trying to fit everyone’s schedule in the morning is close to impossible without at least one person ending up with cold water.

A tankless water heater provides an instant hot water solution to the problem since it heats up water on demand, ensuring that it is always available when needed.

2) They Last for a Longer Period of Time

A tank water heater carries a warranty of between 6 and 10 years and lasts up to a decade. In comparison, a tankless water heater can have a warranty of between 10 and 15 years and lasts up to 2 decades. As you can see a tankless type is a much better investment in the long-run.

With that in mind, a tankless water heater lasts longer and helps increase the value of your home.

3) Higher Water Flow Rate

Tankless water heaters create hot water on demand. For instance, you can run the washing machine, dishwasher, and have 2 showers all running at the same time and the system will keep producing continuous hot water without ever running out.

4) Saves Water

The traditional tank water heater takes anywhere from 2 to 3 minutes to produce hot water and anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes to refill the reserve. However, with a tankless water heater, you don’t have to wait for water to heat up since it heats water instantly.

Not only does this help you save time but it also ensures that water doesn’t go to waste while you wait for the hot water to finally reheat by using a tank heater.

5) Space Savings

A tankless water heater takes about 1/3 of the space occupied by a traditional tank water heater. It can generally be mounted on the wall and easily connected to your water source. Since the best tankless units are smaller than traditional tank heaters, you can also install one in areas that a traditional tank water heater would not fit into.

Final Thoughts

Tankless water heaters offer so many advantages over traditional tank water heaters. If you install a tankless water heater in your home, it can be one of the best investments you ever make.

If you would like to learn more about the tankless water heating benefits, and/or set an appointment to have one installed in your property, you should look at product reviews and the latest models to see which one would work best for you.

Zojirushi Drip Coffee maker

If you’re looking for a new java brewing model that brews high quality coffee, then you might want to look at this model. At a cost of just under $75, the Zojirushi EC DAC50 Zutto 5-Cup Drip Coffeemaker makes very remarkable esteem coffee. It’s a Japanese made item, from the initiation and configuration, so how can it rate contrasted with the all the more entrenched brands?

Generally I will call this item the Zutto Zojirrushi coffee maker, instead of rehash its full name now and again (moans of alleviation all round!).

Power and Capacity

For such a minimal espresso creator, the Zutto coffee maker has all the power it needs to give you an awesome espresso taste encounter. It blends steaming espresso for 5 containers (instead of the conventional 4), on account of its 650 watt heater, and its hot plate warms the carafe amid preparing and afterward keeps the espresso hot.

One admonition here – most espresso creators have a tendency to misrepresent the quantity of glasses they can deliver at one sitting, and Zojirushi are no special case. Their mugs are measured at 5 ounces each – not precisely liberal. In any case, the store limit is 23 ounces, and you can get two decent mugs of espresso from one blend.

Fast Brewing Speed

The Zutto brags a blend cycle of 3-5 minutes, however it’s closer 8 minutes in the event that you hold up until the point when the last trickle has tumbled from the channel into what Zojinishi call the decanter (the carafe).

Hardly any grumble about the time this takes – relatively few espresso creators are snappier, and in any occasion you require enough time for the espresso toils to discharge their flavor while the boiling water channels through.

The Zutto’s basic plan helps here. It’s very one of a kind in that the channel cone is inside the decanter, as opposed to simply sitting over it. When you take the decanter to pour your espresso, you bring the channel with it. So any late-arriving trickles of espresso that arrive while you’re emptying your espresso fall into the decanter and not on to the warming plate. Quite cool.

There’s nothing to program, no LCD shows, no fancy odds and ends. You simply fill the supply with water, check the channel is set up, include your espresso crushes and press the one catch on the gadget. Couldn’t be less complex.

Shouldn’t something be said about Easy Cleaning?

The drawback of any espresso producer must incorporate the cleaning. The blend of espresso grinds and high temp water mean there’s dependably a lot of grime and scale developing. In any case, the Zutto must be about the simplest espresso producer ever to clean.

For a begin, the water store can be effectively expelled either to fill from the fixture or to clean. I’ve just said the channel cone being inside the decanter, so you simply wash or flush them both together.

Since it is easy to clean, you can keep your Zojirushi Zutto coffee maker in top condition by essentially flushing through with water before you initially utilize it, and intermittently all through your responsibility for.

Also, Filters..?

Channels are to a specific degree an individual thing. Some dependably utilize paper channels, while others lean toward the simplicity of perpetual gold channels.

The Zojirushi Coffee maker holds a #2 paper cone channel, yet you can utilize a gold channel as long as you hold the handle of the decanter normally to avert it slipping out as you pour. A basic punctured top fits to finish everything, making the entire thing simple to clean.

The charcoal channel, similar to the decanter, can be supplanted effectively. Charcoal, being a characteristic substance, will require supplanting now and then in any case (two years, as per Zojirushi ).

Highlights and Specifications:

Demonstrate No: EC-DAC50

Removable water tank

Charcoal water channel

Programmed keep warm

cULus recorded

Limit: 5 containers/23 ounces/2 mugs

Measurements (W x D x H): 8-7/8 x 6 x 10-3/4 inches

Electrical Rating: 120 volts/650 watts

Substitution Charcoal Filter: 8-ECA-P320 (keeps going up to 2 years under ordinary utilize)

Shading: Silver

Guarantee: 1 year limited

Easy to use and store.

Simple to clean, especially as the channel cone sits inside the decanter.

Removable water supply.

Limit is 5 measures of 5 oz – a more advantageous size of mix.


No auto stop, so you need to make sure to turn it off when you’ve completed, or you could have a “consumed” or burnt taste to your next glass.

Customer Reviews and Scores

This item gets a normal of more than 4 stars out of 5 on Amazon at the season of composing, from more than 520 analysts. Most clients cherish its plan and minimization, and the way that the Zutto makes incredible tasting espresso, including frosted espresso as well.


Makers of these standard-size water heaters are well aware of everyone’s main concern which is to cut down energy bills. As a result, they are keen on making high-efficiency models that compete favorably with other options like the tankless heaters.

A big advantage with a 60-gallon gas water heater is that it can heat large amounts of water for the entire home. Installing it is also fairly simple. In this article, we have trawled the market and found a 60 gallon water heater that will offer you a perfect balance of value and performance for every budget.

Bradford White M460T6FBN 60 Gallon natural gas water heater. This new innovation provides a hot household and commercial establishment using the heat pump technology. Thanks to its design, it doesn’t have any filters that need to be cleaned or replaced. The major features that establish this model include:

  • High energy factor rating.
  • Resettable thermal switch.
  • Altitude specific – 2000′.
  • Built with an advanced Screenlock Technology Flame Arrester Design.
  • Another big plus feature is the Factory installed Hydrojet Total Performance System.
  • Provides enough household water for a home of 6 people or more.
  • The stainless steel provides an aesthetically attractive look.
  • 10 years limited warranty on tanks. Price indication typically: $1955-$2050

The Benefits

Owning the Bradford White 60 gallon water heater gives you:

  • Low cost for utilities. The heater is a low energy factor which means that you can use it for a much longer period without refilling it. Users who opted to use it recorded huge savings. While upfront the unit is expensive, it makes up and even saves much more on what would have been paid for electric bills.
  • Durability. Its components are made of high-grade materials which ensure longer usage.
  • Easy to use. This gas water heater provides ease of operation. Not only is the item friendly to the surrounding in terms of emissions but also convenient in usage. It’s installed will diligent gadgets that do not require a lot of skills or intelligence to run them.

The Drawbacks

  • Higher Installation expenses. On top of the cost of acquiring the unit, you’re needed to channel more expenses to pay for professional services. Maintenance to ensure ultimate performance is also quite expensive.
  • Installing it by yourself is difficult. If you’re not well informed on the installation process, you have to call up the services of an expert. While you make look for professional quotes, things might go haywire and may end-up in a loss. But for the experienced, the process remains simple and straightforward.

Our final verdict of which you should buy

The Bradford White is the best 60 gallon water heater unit for homeowners who want to shove off electricity bills. With this model, it’s a sort of an investment as you’ll begin to experience savings after only a month of use.

This high volume gas heater just is the best and larger solution for your heating needs. It’s rare to go wrong on this make and as a whole, it proves to be a great home product in terms of performance, operation and longevity.

Looking for more helpful information, visit our home page.

deep cleaning around the house

We get it — the last thing that you probably want to do this summer is to stay at home and deep clean it. But while this may not be ideal, it is quite important, especially with the incoming humidity and heat that could lead to the development and growth of germs in your home.

So how exactly should you go about your summer cleaning? Make sure to pay extra attention to these 5 areas:

1) Your HVAC filter

With your air conditioner working overtime this summer, it’s important to stay on top of cleaning and replacing your HVAC filters. These are in charge of keeping the air in your home clean and free of dust and allergens.

So this summer, don’t forget to clean these air filters so that you can breathe better, cut down on energy costs, and even maximize the life of your air conditioner unit.

2) Your bathroom decor

It’s not just enough to clean your toilet and your bathroom floor every few days or so. With the humidity in the air and the wet conditions in your bathroom, your household is more likely to be susceptible to mold this summer.

So don’t just pay attention to the bigger items in your bathroom. Clean the decor too, including the cup that holds your toothbrush and your soap holder. We find that a good antiseptic rubdown often does the job well.

3) The curtains and upholstery

It’s finally time to take out your curtains and let the sun shine in your house this summer. You see, curtains trap bacteria, pollens, dust, and so many other things that could harm your health. The same goes with the upholstery in your house.

So while vacuuming them often may give you the impression of getting them cleaned, there’s nothing quite like having them washed or professionally cleaned thoroughly clean them.

4) The trash can

As you might have learned the hard way, heat and garbage can be a formidable tandem. So even if you take out the trash religiously, there could still be some lingering odor in your trash can.

The good news is that the smell can easily be removed after a good washing. Be sure to use soap and water to clean the gunk out, and spray with disinfectant and sprinkle a layer of baking soda for good measure. Do this a couple of times every few weeks to keep the smell at bay.

5) The coffeemaker

Regardless of the season, coffee is always going to be a staple in most households (including ours). So this summer, be sure to do normal maintenance to clean out all of those hard water deposits and coffee bean residue from your trusty coffeemaker.

White vinegar does a fine job of cleaning out dirt and removing residual gunk and smell too.

The cleaning takeaway

This summer, you can have fun and a clean house too. Make a day out of cleaning your house with the tips and tricks that we’ve outlined here.

hot yoga therapy

These days, everyone from athletes to your coworkers have been chasing their om — and for good reason. It’s meditative, spiritual, and can be physically and mentally transformative. But even as an exercise modality, yoga still has a stigma of being slow, easy, and low-impact. This is where hot yoga comes in.

It’s basically just like regular yoga, but you’ll be made to sweat more. This is because the practice is done in a hot and humid room so that your heart, muscles, and lungs can get the most out of your workout.

Now you might be thinking, “It’s the middle of summer. Why would I want to sweat buckets in a yoga room if I can just do it outside?”


Well, there are actually a lot of ways that you can benefit from hot yoga. When done properly and practiced safely, you can reap the following benefits from hot yoga and more:

The benefits of hot yoga 

  1. For better range of motion

Just think about your last exercise. Remember how you were able to go deeper into your stretches after your muscles have warmed up? Doing yoga in a temperature-controlled room can help you with just this: deep stretching and bending to your full range of motion.

After regular hot yoga practice, you’ll likely notice more flexibility and ease in doing “difficult” poses.

  1. For stress reduction

Much like regular yoga, hot yoga can ease stress, depression and help with headaches too. But what’s even better is that you get to sweat more toxins and heavy metals away as you do it.

  1. For faster calorie-burn

If you’re looking to lose weight, hot yoga can help you with this goal too.

See, the hotter conditions will encourage your heart to pump faster and you to sweat more. In short, it will make your body work harder than it normally would. This will in turn signal your body to burn more calories than you would in a regular yoga routine.

  1. For a healthier heart

As mentioned, the heat can be a bit more challenging to your heart. It forces your organ to work harder and pump faster, which makes hot yoga a great practice for those who want to kick start their cardiovascular health.

Just how fast can your heart rate go in a hot yoga session exactly? Studies have found that a session can work your heart the same way a brisk walk or a slow jog would.

  1. For better skin

Want that healthy, rosy glow without the cosmetic assistance? Hot yoga can help you look and feel healthier after just a few sessions. It helps boost your circulation to lend you healthier and more nourished-looking skin.

The takeaway

Love yoga, but want to try a more intense form of exercise this summer? Hot yoga takes you through the same movement and flow  as regular yoga — but with a whole lot more sweating.

Just be sure to drink plenty of water and bring a change of clothes when you do decide to try this popular new exercise.

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chia seeds

Often referred to as a “superfood” because of its touted benefits, chia seeds are now a staple in many health-conscious individuals’ diets. It has garnered worldwide popularity as a healthy food source in recent years. By 2022, an industry report says that the chia seed market is projected to reach USD 2 billion in sales.

Where Do Chia Seeds Come From?

Tiny, black chia seeds come from a plant called Salvia hispanica, a desert plant originally propagated as a major food crop in Central America, particularly in Guatemala and Mexico. The Aztecs and Mayans have used them as early as 3,500 BC. They have recognized its ability to provide sustainable energy. In fact, chia means “strength” in the Mayan language. It is an important food to them, even using them in religious ceremonies.

Why are they Good for You?

These tiny seeds pack a powerful punch. Another impressive thing about chia seeds is that one ounce only contains about 137 calories.

  • Polyunsaturated fat (omega-3 fatty acids)

The are the richest plant source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids tremendously aid in cardiovascular health: keeping our cholesterol low, regulating our blood pressure, and preventing blood clots.

  • Calcium

A single ounce of chia seeds contains 18% of the Recommended Dietary Intake. For those who don’t eat dairy, chia seeds are an excellent substitute due to their high calcium content.

  • Fiber

The fiber in chia seeds helps slow down digestion and lowers LDL cholesterol. Chia seeds have high soluble fiber content, absorbing up to 10-12 times their weight in water. This means that it expands in your stomach and increases fullness.

  • Protein

They are an excellent source of protein, particularly for people who are on a plant-based diet. They contain all nine essential amino acids.

  • Contain important minerals such as zinc, phosphorus, and magnesium.

How Do you Put Chia Seeds in Your Everyday Diet?

Chia seeds are usually prepared with liquids, particularly shakes and smoothies. Since it doesn’t have a distinctive flavor, it can be quite versatile and can be added to a variety of dishes.

There are commercially available food products that have incorporated and are often added to crackers, bread, spreads, beverages, cereals, and many baked goods.

When stored properly in a cool, dry spot, they will last for about 4-5 years without refrigeration. Here are a few ideas on how you can incorporate them into your everyday diet:

  1. Have a nutritious breakfast by adding them to your morning shakes, porridge, yogurt, cereals, or oatmeal.
  2. Sprinkle them into your marinades, salad dressings, stir-fries, stews, or sauces.
  3. Drink juice-soaked chia seeds. Soak about 30 to 40 grams of seeds for about 30 minutes in a liter of fruit juice.
  4. Add them to your homemade bread dough or your cake or pancake mix.
  5. Use it as an egg substitute – 15 grams of seeds soaked in water for 1 whole egg.

We hope you have learned more about the healthy ways to use these amazing seeds!

Be sure to visit Bentham-Open weekly for more helpful articles.

indoor food gardens

Growing fruits and vegetables is fast becoming a major world trend. As the pandemic forced most of us to stay home, many people started their own gardens and grew their own produce. These people began growing their food not only to feed their families but also to donate to those in need.

For those who have the desire to grow edible plants but lack the space for a backyard garden, they have opted to grow edible plants indoors. Many people live in urban housing areas with little to no land, so having a garden indoors makes a lot of sense.

If you live in an apartment building where there is no space for an outdoor garden, it can be a challenge to grow plants, let alone cultivate edible plants. However, this is not impossible. Indoor garden technology is gaining a lot of ground, offering an optimal growing environment.

From hydroponics to indoor grow light technology, it is now possible to grow fresh produce all year round.

9 Edible Plants to Get you Started

Thinking of starting your indoor food garden? Here is a list of 9 easy-to-maintain edible plants to help you get started.

  1. Carrots

Carrots are one of the easiest vegetables to grow indoors because the moisture level in the soil is simple to maintain.

  1. Lemons

Instead of cultivating them from seeds, your best bet is to buy a pot of an existing lemon tree. The branches must be kept moist, so it needs proper watering and care.

  1. Tomatoes

You just need a 6-inch pot of soil to grow tomatoes, and stakes to keep the branches upright as they grow. Dwarf tomatoes are the best variety to grow indoors.

  1. Ginger

A favorite of in-home gardeners, ginger loves humidity and partial sunlight. Regular misting and well-drained soil are also important.

  1. Scallions

Scallions are low-maintenance plants, ready to be harvested in about 8-10 weeks. They are also easy to regrow – just put the scallion scraps you used for cooking in a cup of water.

  1. Mushrooms

Mushrooms grow best in a dark, moist environment, and it usually takes about 4-5 weeks to see the results.

  1. Microgreens

Often seen in expensive restaurants, microgreens can be ready to harvest in only two to three weeks. All they need is a sunny place and a shallow container.

  1. Kale

When growing kale, sow the seeds a bit farther apart to give them sufficient space to grow. In about a week, you should be able to see sprouts growing!

  1. Radishes

Grown by a lot of beginners, are quick to harvest and easy to grow. They prefer a cooler environment, so it is perfect for indoor gardening! Since it is a root vegetable, you need a deep pot to allow it to grow properly.

Key Things to Remember

To successfully grow fruits, vegetables, and other edible plants indoors, here are a few basic things to remember:

  • Place the seeds and plants in a spot where they get plenty of sunlight. However, the spot shouldn’t be too sunny or they could burn your plants. If there is no such spot inside your home, invest in grow lights for plants.
  • Select containers that have good drainage.
  • Keep plants away from fireplaces or heat vents that could dry them out.
  • Use high-quality potting soil with plant fertilizers.
  • Use a spray bottle to mist your plants with water every day.

Growing plants inside can be fun and very therapeutical as well as providing home grown fresh vegetables.

The money you will save will pay for any costs you incur to get started.

alcohol tolerance reset

Remember, everyone’s alcohol tolerance and how long it takes to reset varies. If you’re concerned about your alcohol consumption or have any queries, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional. Stay informed, make responsible choices, and prioritize your well-being. By abstaining or reducing alcohol consumption, you can reset your tolerance over time.

alcohol tolerance reset

Can a decrease in alcohol tolerance lead to alcohol poisoning?

Theoretically, lower estrogen levels could get in the way of metabolizing alcohol, but she noted that this hasn’t been well studied. Both men and women lose muscle mass as they age, and the amount of fat in the body increases. So when you drink, the concentration of alcohol in your bloodstream becomes more concentrated, Christmas said. Yes, when your alcohol tolerance is lowered, it means you will feel intoxicated more quickly and with less alcohol consumption than before. Yes, when you stop drinking alcohol, your tolerance is likely to decrease. When it comes to metabolism, women are more prone to intoxication than men when it comes to alcohol.

  • Gradually reducing alcohol consumption can be helpful for some individuals, but complete abstinence tends to yield faster results.
  • Taking a break from alcohol is a good idea, especially if you need more alcohol to feel the same effects.
  • This reset can have several positive effects on your overall well-being and also help prevent excessive drinking.

How long will it take for my alcohol tolerance to reset if I drink occasionally?

After resetting alcohol tolerance, it will gradually return to your individual baseline level with regular alcohol consumption. How often you drink alcohol plays a crucial role in the reset of alcohol tolerance. If you consume alcohol regularly, it may take longer for your tolerance to reset compared to occasional drinkers. Tolerance to the short-term effects of alcohol doesn’t mean your health risks are lower. In fact, because you may be noticing less of a short-term effect, you could be at higher risk because you don’t recognise how much you’re drinking.

alcohol tolerance reset

Taking a 30-Day Break from Alcohol: Benefits and Tips

  • Functional tolerance is your brain adjusting to regular alcohol use.
  • Alcohol tolerance is a common phenomenon that occurs when the body becomes accustomed to a certain level of alcohol consumption, requiring more alcohol to achieve the desired effects.
  • We’ve cited alcohol tolerance like that of a character in a game.
  • Anyone who’s been around drinking culture enough knows the concept of the drinking game.
  • Generally, individuals with a higher body weight tend to have a higher alcohol tolerance because their bodies have more water content to dilute the alcohol.

But drinking less can help you reverse your tolerance to alcohol as well as reduce your risk of serious health drug addiction harm. Alcohol tolerance is a person’s resistance to the intoxicating effects of alcohol. High alcohol tolerance suggests that you can consume more alcoholic beverages without appearing drunk. Since alcohol doesn’t easily affect you, you’ll likely drink more than usual.

Does your alcohol tolerance go down if you stop drinking?

  • The liver can only metabolize a certain amount of alcohol every hour.2 However, some people can do it more efficiently than others.
  • This indicates that your body has learned how to metabolize the substance more efficiently.
  • If you consume alcohol regularly, it may take longer for your tolerance to reset compared to occasional drinkers.
  • But for others, especially those who drink regularly or heavily, it might take a few weeks or even a month or more to notice a change.

If you drink heavily for too long, the body adjusts to the increasing presence of alcohol. Your liver handles alcohol, but if you drink too much alcohol tolerance reset too quickly, it’ll get overwhelmed. This can lead to different liver issues like fatty liver, inflammation (hepatitis), scarring (fibrosis), and, in worst cases, cirrhosis.

alcohol tolerance reset

feeding deer with game and animal feeders

Animal watching has become an interesting hobby. One of the best ways to attract wild animals to your property is by using different types of game feeders.

Bird, deer and other animal feeders help to bring the animals in and help to keep them coming back when they know the food will be there.

One of the best ways to attract them is choosing the best food that will provide the nutrients they may not get from the cold winter months when the snow keeps the grass covered. Deer will eat almost any vegetation, tree bark tends to be the only food they can find that does not provide much nutrition. Offering quality feed found here can help them survive, stay strong and healthy.

Regardless of whether you are hunting deer, observing other animals, or trying to entice them into your yard, a game feeder is the most effective means of attracting them.

At the moment there are different types of feeders and choosing the best one takes some consideration. Both the gravity style and the timed or programmable feeders have benefits and drawbacks, but how do you identify the best option for your feeding?

Trough feeders are simply like a tray that offers food much like a buffet and the problem here is that it is open to any type of animal to feed from.  Food will not last long and you’ll be constantly refilling it.

Gravity kinds can offer food with a control mechanism over the food dispersal ports where an animal needs to open it using their mouth to release the feed.

As shown above, some gravity models offer timed and battery operated automatic motors that release food form the feeder at pre-set times. This is a great way to control when and how much you feed them too. These models will spray food to a larger area around it allowing space if there are many animals utilizing the food.

There are websites that provide helpful information to point out the pros and cons of the many types of game feeders. You can learn a thing or two about picking the best deer feeder from the folks over at feedthatgame.com.

If you are looking for the best feeding options including a variety of brands and models of the latest and new releases, see their reviews to get the information you’ll need to make your purchase.

Feeding wild animals and helping them survive long winters is not only humane but offers enjoyment while watching them at your feeders.

buying a canister vacuum

Are you thinking of buying a canister vacuum? If so, you have come to the right place. Canister vacuums are becoming popular with many homeowners compared to upright and backpack vacuums. They have many advantages over conventional vacuums on the market. Most customers favor their extended reach, maneuverability, and ergonomic benefits.

Canister vacuums are more powerful and come with a better suction power compared to upright vacuums. Most users testify that canisters clean much better than backpacks and uprights. According to all great vacuums there are some things to look for when you plan to invest in a canister vacuum.

Some of the factors you need to take into account when buying a canister include the performance, price range, durability, and electricity consumption. The right vacuum cleaner should depend on your specific needs and budget. Make sure you decide on the budget beforehand so you don’t waste time looking at models outside of your price range.

There are some models that offer better value for the money you invest. You should do the homework properly when buying a quality canister vacuum cleaner at an affordable price.

You can expect fast cleaning from an efficient canister vacuum. The engine power of the vacuum will indicate its suction strength. Most cleaners come with a suction power of between 1,200 Watts to 2,000 W. The higher the power of the motor, the more the suction when doing deep cleaning.

Canister vacuums come in two categories such as bagged and bagless cleaners. Bagged cleaners come with a higher level of filtration and low noise. They are more durable, affordable, and have been around for a long time. You may have to replace the bag on a periodical basis depending on how often you use the machine. This may create an additional expense from time to time. The bagless vacuums are the newer version of the product. They are more expensive and make more noise compared to the bagged cleaner.

A good vacuum should be easy to handle. They should have large enough wheels to transport the machine on a carpeted floor. The weight of the vacuum is also an important factor to consider. A heavy machine is much difficult to drag behind you. It will be more difficult to carry such a vacuum up and down the stairs.

The machine should have a longer power cord (at least 20-feet) to maneuver it properly. There should be a rubber casing around the vacuum to protect and prolong its lifespan.

The canister should have a telescopic wand to adjust it to your height. If not, you may experience frequent back pains. Invest in a canister vacuum with a HEPA filter if you suffer from asthma and allergies. Look for a vacuum with a low noise between 60-65 dB. Avoid cleaners that generate more than 85 dB. Some of the best brands and models of canister vacuum cleaners include Miele S6270 Quartz, Dyson Ball multi-floor, and Electrolux Ultrasilencer El6986a.

If you are planning to invest in a canister vacuum cleaner now you have an idea on what to start to look for.