
Plants need a lot of care and attention. Aside from making sure that they are getting enough time in the sun and watering them on a regular basis, it is also vital that you give your plants enough nutrients. After all, well-fed plants are generally more productive and more beautiful precisely because they are healthier. This article delves into the basics of plant fertilizers and their use. It explains why you need to do it in order to ensure the health of your plants. It also touches on the debate on whether one should use organic or synthetic fertilizers.

Plant Fertilizers Basics

People need to understand the importance of fertilizers in terms of encouraging healthy plant growth. It always comes as a surprise to many that most soil types are actually unable to provide all the essential nutrients that the plants need. Even if you have great quality garden soil to begin with, the nutrients it provides surely cannot last forever.

This is because, as your plants grow, they also absorb the nutrients embedded in the soil. Over time, the soil becomes less fertile. This is because the plants you are growing need those nutrients to build their tissues. One of the main purposes of fertilizing your garden, therefore, is to replenish the nutrients from the soil that have since been consumed. This is the only way to ensure that your plants have enough food to successfully thrive and flourish.

Organic vs. Synthetic Fertilizers

Some people don’t understand the difference between organic and synthetic fertilizers. Keep in mind that organic fertilizers are made from naturally occurring materials like plant meal, composted manure, and bone. Synthetic fertilizers, on the other hand, are made from chemically processed materials. Of course, for them, it does not really matter, as long as the plants get the nutrients they need. However, if you truly care about your plants, then you must have an understanding of how these fertilizers work.

They differ in mainly in the way they provide nutrients for the plants. On the one hand, organic fertilizers contain nutrients which are non-soluble in water. They can last for long periods of time as they are released to the plants slowly over the course of months or even years. Because of their composition, these fertilizers can improve soil structure and stimulate beneficial microorganism growth. More often than not, organic fertilizers should be able to provide all the nutritional needs of your plants.

On the other hand, synthetic fertilizers are water-soluble. This means that the plants can absorb their contents at a much faster rate. However, it does have its downsides as too much of these fertilizers can actively harm your plants. They also do nothing in terms of improving the other aspects of the soil such as texture and long-term fertility. There is also the risk of the fertilizer leaching into nearby water sources because its composition is highly soluble.

This article presented an overview of plant fertilizers and how important they are for your plants. It also differentiates between the two types of fertilizers available on the market today.

Gardening Basics: Common Seed Problems

Most people believe that gardening is as straightforward as they come. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, there are a lot of unexpected things that could happen to your seedlings when you are just starting out. This article presents a couple of these common seed related problems that all gardeners will encounter at some point. It also presents some tips on what you can do if you find yourself in such circumstances.

Poor seed germination

It is a well-known fact that most common vegetables and flowers can germinate readily on their own. However, other types of plants suffer from poor germination rates. This information is readily made available in the seed packet itself. The suggestion to sow an extra seed should be taken as a warning.

This problem is often caused by several external conditions such as the dampness and the temperature of the soil. It cannot be too cold or too wet. It can also be the opposite as too much heat will prevent the seed from absorbing the necessary amount of moisture needed to sprout. Of course, this problem can also be caused by older improperly stored seeds.

To address this problem, we recommend that you make full use of a heating mat. This handy gardening accessory will ensure that your soil stays at the optimal temperature to encourage plant germination.

Damping off

Damping off results in your seedlings keeling over at the side, as if it has been cut down at the soil line. This particular problem is caused by fungi coming out of the soil. This particular fungus attacks the stem itself. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this problem. The seeds will now be unable to sprout for a second time.

The only thing you can do now is to start over from scratch. This is why it is vital that the containers you use, as well as the seed-starting mix, are clean and sterile. That is why we recommend that you purchase containers specifically designed for your purpose instead of recycling used containers.

Pale Seedlings with weak stems

At first glance, one would be confused what is wrong with these leggy seedlings. More often than not, they are the direct result of an inadequate lighting situation. This simply means that your light source lacked intensity or that the plant was not exposed to it for the optimal amount of time.

As you know, plants need light not only to survive but to thrive. That is why you need to ensure that your light bulb is strong enough to stand as a substitute for the sun. For this job, we recommend that you make use of fluorescent bulb as it possesses the desired intensity without giving off too much heat that can severely damage the plant’s foliage.

In addition to this, you need to ensure that the plants are placed directly under the glow of the lights. Place the bulb a couple of inches above the foliage for maximum effect.

These are just a few of the problems beginners encounter with their seedlings. Most of the time, you can solve these problems by making use of the necessary products for the job.

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Also see: Chia Seeds – Why They Are Good for You


Composting is an important element to any home gardening project. Not only does it give you an easily accessible source of organic fertilizer, it also lets you do your part for the environment. This is because composting is perhaps the best way to get rid of biodegradable materials.

Of course, when it comes right down to it, it is virtually undeniable that we have come a long way in terms of how we compost. Gone are the days of simple backyard compost piles. Nowadays, home gardeners have the ability to make better composts with much greater efficiency and simplicity.

Why Should You Start Composting?

Before anything else, readers need to understand the importance of their composts. Needless to say, composting is a crucial aspect to any home gardening plan. This is because they give you a sustainable source of organic fertilizer for your garden.

Most people are unaware of the fact that most garden soil does not have enough nutrients to sustain plants on a long-term basis. This is why it is vital that you make full use of organic fertilizers to pick up the slack. Well-fed plants, after all, are generally more productive and easier to look at than those that are not.

Continuous Composters

Continuous composters are made from enclosed bins which are meant to handle all sorts of materials. This can range from your kitchen scraps to the yard waste. Due to the fact that they are sealed with a lid, rodents and other unwanted critters should be no problem at all.

These composters are earned their name because it lets you add materials to the pile at any given time. The compost generation process itself can take some time, however. There is also a finished compost filter at the bottom of the bin which you can remove every now and then.

Batch Composters

Batch composters are perfect for gardeners looking to get more compost as quickly as possible. However, this particular type of compost can also be demanding in terms of planning and effort.  Without a doubt, a batch composter is the quickest way for you to create your own compost.

The tumbling action is what makes this particular composter into an efficient machine. The simple action can dramatically accelerate the whole composting process. To give you a better idea of how efficient it is, imagine harvesting the final product in a short a time as four to eight weeks.

OF course, readers also need to be aware that using this particular composter entails some level of responsibility. The composters need to be turned on a daily basis. You will also need to regularly check for sufficient moisture. As you prepare one batch, you can already start amassing the materials you will be needing for the next one.

This article discusses the different ways to compost. In particular, it delves into the two main types of composters. It explains briefly how the continuous composters and the batch composters differ from each other. It also explains the fundamental importance of the compost for your home garden.

These suggestions and more gardening tips can be found at


Starting your own home garden actually takes a lot of time. While it can be a bit time-consuming, it is certainly time well-spent. Of course, it is worth noting here that you will need to prepare a couple of things as you start on your new project.

This article presents everything you will need for your home garden project. It also explains everything you need to do to make sure that your plants thrive.

Plant Containers

First, you will need to prepare the containers for your plants. You can make use of any type of container just as long as it is at least 2 to 3 inches deep. It also needs to have some drainage holes. Of course, you can easily purchase these at any gardening store in your area. However, if you are in the mood for a bit of DIY, then you should make use of yogurt cups, milk cartons or paper cups as a place to put in your seedlings.

Potting Soil

It is vital that you choose the right type of potting soil. Keep in mind that you cannot use soil from your garden. You also cannot re-use the potting soil from your houseplants. Instead, you need to get a fresh, sterile potting soil mix that is specifically designed for seedlings. This is the best way to ensure your seedlings are able to grow healthy and free of diseases.

Despite its name, the best types of “potting soil” for seedlings do not actually contain soil. Rather, it is a sterile, free-draining mix that contains few, if any, nutrients.  This means that you will have to supplement it with fertilizer for the next couple of weeks.


It is vital that you check the seed packet and follow the instructions as closely as you can. More often than not, the ideal soil depth is indicated on the packet. For instance, some of the smaller seeds would be fine even if you just sprinkled them right on the surface of the soil. However, when it comes to larger seeds, you will need to bury them deep in your soil.

Light Source

Now that you everything ready, it is now time to look into the light source for your seedlings. As you know, younger plants will need a lot of light if you want it to grow healthy. Of course, you have the option to go with the natural way and put your plants growing on a windowsill. Remember that the window you choose should be facing the south for optimal exposure. You will also need to rotate the pots regularly to prevent the plants from leaning into the light.

On the other hand, if you plan on growing your plants under artificial lights, then it is vital that you get the right bulb. Fluorescent bulbs work best because of the amount of heat that they emit. Just make sure that it is placed a few inches above the foliage of the seedlings.

These are a few of the things you need to prepare for your home garden decor. Make sure that follow the directions indicated in this article to get optimal results.

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There is no better way to relax than having your own indoor garden at home. A bit of green always serves to spice up any space, giving it a vibrant atmosphere. Of course, starting your own garden is often easier said than done. There are a lot of things that you have to take into consideration.

For instance, you have to get a good batch of seed mix to plant. Then, you need to have a good watering routine. However, perhaps the most important aspect here is the light source. This is because the proper lighting is vital if you want your seedlings to grow healthy and stocky.

Of course, it should please readers to know that artificial lights, when used correctly, can ensure that your seedlings thrive. This article seeks to help readers find the right kind of light for their home garden. It provides a couple of key points to consider.

Light Intensity

As you probably know, all seedlings require bright light to ensure proper growth. If they do not receive enough of it then you will notice that they can get tall and leggy. Keep in mind that placing your plants by the sunniest windowsill in your home is often not enough.

This is why we highly recommend that you put your plants under fluorescent lights. These bulbs offer the best solution to your problem as they can serve as a high-intensity light source. By growing your plants under these lights, you can effectively control the light intensity in two ways: the wattage of the bulb and its proximity to the plant’s foliage.

Keep in mind that these fluorescent bulbs are ideal because of the small amounts of heat they give off. The story is altogether different with regular incandescent bulbs that can get a bit too hot for the seedlings which can burn the plant’s tender foliage. That being said, it is ideal that you place your fluorescent bulb at a distance of 2 to 3 inches above the foliage. As your seedlings grow, you can adjust the distance of the fluorescent light fixture accordingly.

Duration of Light

It is worth stating here that the point of your light source is to recreate the natural light cycle and to give your plants their necessary time in the light. That being said, if you are planting vegetables in your indoor garden, you should keep in mind that you will need to give them around 14 to 18 hours of light each day.

Conversely, your plants will also need their rest period. That is why you will also need to turn off the light after enough time has passed. In most cases, seedlings need to have eight hours of darkness. Consistency is key here. That is why we highly recommend that you make use of an automatic timer. This way you will not have to worry about overexposure.

This article presented a couple of things you need to keep in mind when setting up the lighting for your indoor garden. Just make sure that you get the right bulb for the job.


There are a lot of people investing a serious amount of money in fish oil supplements. The health supplement industry is worth billions of dollars because of this. Health supplements were designed in order to help us recover faster and to make us healthier. There are those that are designed to help you lose weight, while others provide improved energy throughout the day.

One of the most popular health supplements today is fish oil. What makes fish oil a good supplement? Basically, there’s good and there’s bad cholesterol. You have good cholesterol found in fish, vegetables, and fruits. Now, have it in its concentrated form and you have fish oil. So is it really good for the heart? There were studies conducted regarding the cardiovascular effects of fish oil. Unfortunately, the majority of these studies contradict the belief that fish oil is actually a good supplement for the heart. Should you still be using fish oil? In reality, there are other things that you can still get from fish oil.

Fat metabolism

One of the things that people could get from using fish oil is an improvement in their fat metabolism. According to research, fat storage cells become fat burning cells after taking fish oil. What it does is stimulate the gastrointestinal system and triggered a fight or flight response wherein fat is then metabolized.

This means that it can be used as a good way to lose fats. According to a study done on mice, subjects that took fish oil has been discovered to have 15 to 25 percent fewer fats than mice in the controlled group.

Help resolve acne problem

One of the things that people are concerned about when it comes to supplements is its effects on their skin. Whey powder, for instance, may sometimes trigger a reaction causing acne to appear all of a sudden. Fish oil works quite different. In fact, there was a 60% improvement in their acne breakouts in a study conducted on subjects that were made to take fish oil for the next twelve days.

Can help boost memory

Though it may not have the effect that we wanted for our heart, taking fish oil can help boost memory. This can help increase working memory by as much as 23%. This means that a person taking fish oil may actually perform better in school or at work.

Prevents infection

Fish oil can also help boost your immune system. It has been proven that fish oil can also help improve the ability of your B cells to fight infection.

Improve eye health

Fish oil is also known as a great supplement that can help your eyes. It has been discovered that those who took fish oil reduced the chances of developing macular degeneration.

As rule of thumb, it is a good idea that you eat a balanced diet rich in omega-3. Yes, there could be a debate regarding the effect of fish oil in your heart, but it can surely make you healthier. However, it is also a good idea that you consult the professionals whenever you decide to take a supplement. This way, you will be able to know the real score.

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Weight Loss Supplements: L-Carnitine vs. Stimulants Based Products

There are a good number of people today looking to lose weight. Losing weight not only helps boost your confidence. It can also help prolong your life. In fact, if you are looking for a way to lose weight effectively, it is always a good idea to invest in the right type of supplement. One of the things that you commonly see are weight loss products that include stimulants in their ingredients. What it does is raise your metabolic rate by stimulating the adrenal gland.

However, there are a lot of experts today that are no longer going for stimulant-based products. Instead, they are going after L-carnitine supplements. L-carnitine is now taking the spotlight away since it is also being used for pre-workout.

What is L-carnitine?

L-carnitine isn’t exactly new. In fact, back in the 80s, a lot of people were already using this supplement. However, it somehow fizzled out when the more powerful options came out. These options were all stimulants based alternatives.

L-carnitine is not an amino acid. In fact, it is an “amino acid-like” substance that is more related to vitamin B. The good thing about L-carnitine is that it is formed by the body in the liver and in the kidneys. It is a product of both lysine and methione. L-carnitine is stored mainly in the skeletal muscles. However, it can also be found in the heart and in the brain.

The role of L-carnitine is to transport long chain fatty acids into the mitochondria of the cells. In simple terms, you get to use the fats in your body as fuel. Without the L-carnitine in your diet, long chain fatty acids can’t go to the mitochondria that easy.

It helps get rid of stubborn fats

You can blame your genetics for your body. In fact, consider your problem areas the problem areas of your parents as well. L-carnitine addresses this problem. It uses fats stored in hard to remove areas.

Resist fatigue

Another reason to throw away your stimulants based pre-workout drink is the ability of L-carnitine to reduce the feeling of fatigue. When tested on cyclists, those who took L-carnitine were able to last 25 percent longer than those who didn’t.

And this isn’t surprising. Fats are not only burned but are processed to become ATP. This means that it becomes additional energy for someone who is using L-carnitine. No wonder that athletes are becoming more and more interested in using this supplement for their daily routine.

Enhances blood flow

It has also been proven that not only does it aid in fat metabolism, L-carnitine also helps in the overall circulation of blood in the muscles. This means that you get higher perfusion in muscle groups that are actually working.

L-carnitine doesn’t stress your liver

There’s a problem whenever you are using stimulant-based products. Eventually, it loses its effect. Your body becomes resistant to the stimulant. In addition to this, it also causes fatigue not only to your adrenal glands but also to your liver.

Weight loss is a tricky process. However, if you are going to choose between L-carnitine and coffee and other stimulant-based supplements, it is a good idea that you choose L-carnitine instead. This can help you lose weight in a healthier way.

What Are The Benefits of CLA

There’s a lot of hype behind keto diet and the use of integrating fats in someone’s supplements. Over the years, we’ve discovered that dietary fats don’t really make you fat. Instead, it is the sugar that you eat that makes you fat. This is why people are taking a closer look at CLA or conjugated linoleic acid as a supplement.

Conjugated linoleic acid is naturally occurring in dairy products and in their meat. However, there is a catch. Over the years, there’s a massive decrease of conjugated linoleic acid found in beef and in milk. The reason is that cows are no longer grass fed. A lot of cows today are fed using pellets. Conjugated linoleic acid is believed to be produced by the normal flora found in the cow’s gastrointestinal system.

This is when CLA as a readily available supplement has become popular. What exactly are the benefits of taking this supplement?

Lose weight

It has been proven that CLA(1) can help reduce your weight. In a study conducted on 53 normal sized individuals, those that consumed 4.2 grams of conjugated linoleic acid every day reduced their body fat by as much as 3.8%. It is also true for overweight demographic.

Increase muscle mass

If you think that it protein supplements are the only ones that can help you with your gains, this isn’t exactly the case. CLA is a great supplement that can go hand in hand with your weigh protein.

It is also possible to bulk up when you integrate CLA with your weight lifting regimen. In a study conducted on bodybuilders, those that took 7.2 Grams of CLA per day increased their arm girth and body mass.

A lot of researchers are also interested if CLA can actually increase strength. Though there were initial studies that showed positive results, it still needs further research in order to come up with a conclusion.

Lowers cholesterol level

One of the things that you need to worry about especially when you get older is your cholesterol level. It has been proven by experts that conjugated linoleic acid is responsible for lowering the levels of bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels. This means that it is also a great supplement if you wish to decrease the chances of having cardiovascular problems.

CLA should still be studied carefully though. There are a good number of experts that believe that CLA sold by health supplement brands may be quite different. This means that you may not be getting the full benefits of CLA if you intend to just purchase the commercially available versions. Instead, a lot of experts are actually suggesting that you buy and cook free range beef.

Also, it is important to consider your exercise and your diet. You just can’t treat this supplement as a magic pill that drastically reduces your weight.

Should you still go for CLA? Despite the debate on this supplement, it is a good idea to have it. According to studies, its presence alone can already help reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. This should already be a reason to invest in this kind of health supplement.

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What Are The Benefits of CLA

Losing weight is a popular New Year’s resolution for a lot of people. Unfortunately, a lot of people are taking the wrong steps whenever they are planning to lose weight. And just how bad is obesity worldwide?

Obesity is a serious problem in the US and other parts of the world. What exactly is the definition of obesity? If you have a BMI of 30 and above, you are considered obese. According to statistics made by CDC, 2 in 3 adults in the US are considered either overweight or obese. In addition to this, 1 in 3 adults is considered obese.

There are a number of causes why people become obese. The reason mainly is that people are eating too much while moving so little. Once you become obese, you become prone to having a heart attack and even cancer.

Now, it is important not only to exercise but to also have the right meal and supplements. One of the most popular supplements in the market today is Branched Chain Amino Acids. There’s a lot of hype behind BCAAs. However, does it really help in your weight loss goal? Here are reasons why it does help.

BCAAs can help build damaged muscles

One of the reasons why you need BCAAs is to help the rebuild muscles. Branched chain amino acids are found in the 35% of the muscle proteins. Once you have built your muscles, it is easier to control the body’s metabolic rate. Muscles burn more calories than fats.

Readily available

So why not take whey protein? Whey protein takes a bit of time in order to reach your muscle fibers. As for BCAAs, it goes directly into your skeletal muscles. This makes it the perfect drink whenever you are also working out. It helps reduce muscle catabolism especially if you take it in the middle of your workout. In fact, BCAA can be absorbed by the body in just 30 to 40 minutes.

Good for a caloric deficient diet

For athletes that need to lose weight, it is crucial that they maintain their muscle mass. However, consuming food with other macronutrients can jeopardize the weight cutting process. That’s where BCAAs enter the picture. BCAAs can help provide the necessary amino acids to help maintain muscle mass without adding additional calories.

Leucine is important in building muscle and losing fats

Based on research, the most important branched chain amino acid is leucine. A high ratio of leucine in your BCAA can help your body build muscle at a faster rate. It can also help you lose fats faster in the process.

Provides energy

There are instances when those who are on diet tend to feel sluggish due to the caloric deficient diet that they have. One of the things that BCAAs provide is a chance to keep your body’s energy level up.

Losing body fat can be challenging. There are many factors at play whenever you are going to shed fats the right way. It is important to not catabolize the muscles if your goal is to still maintain functionality. The use of BCAA is a great way to improve your physique.

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whey protein supplements

Getting a good workout isn’t enough. In fact, even pro athletes will tell you that it is always 70% what you eat and only 30% your workout. Regardless of your goal, it is important to have whey supplements after your sessions.

For starters, what exactly is whey? Whey is a byproduct of dairy. It separates during the process of cheese production. Whey is also found in milk. There are two types of protein that is found in your milk. Milk’s protein is part casein (80%) and part whey (20%).

Over the years, it has been used as a supplement especially after a good workout. Here are some reasons why you should be going for whey supplement after your workout.

Whet Supplements fill in the protein deficiency

Do you ever wonder if you are actually eating enough protein? A lot of people eat a lot of carbs and fats on their diet but never protein. Protein is a good way to help build muscle, especially after a workout. This means that if you are consuming whey, it helps fill in the protein requirements of the body.

Based on research, if you ever want to build muscle mass, it is important to eat as much protein relevant to your weight. If you weigh 150 pounds, for instance, you will need to eat at least 150 grams of protein every day. Unfortunately, that would also mean a lot of unnecessary calories without whey supplements.

Helps you lose fats

One of the reasons why you should be taking whey supplement is for the obvious reason that you can lose fat. How exactly does it work? Whey protein can help build your muscles. And this means that even after your workout, your muscles are still going to burn calories. In the process, you will be losing fats even at rest.

Build on your strength

It has been proven that the presence of amino acids and whey can help build strength. This is valuable, especially for professional athletes. According to a study, the best result usually happens when you take whey an hour before your workout and an hour after your workout.

Reduce your cravings

One of the reasons fail on their weight loss goals is because of their cravings. Whey can help you fight cravings. It has been discovered that whey reduces the level of ghrelin which is a hormone that signals the brain that your body is hungry. Consuming whey can have its effects up to 4 hours.

Manage your stress

Stress is one of the many reasons why people overeat and why people tend to feel tired. Whey has been known to help manage stress. It has been seen that those who consumed whey have lessened the chances of getting depressed.

Improve overall immunity

If you want to maximize your productivity, it is important that you take care of your health. Whey has been known to improve your overall immunity. Aerobic exercise can reduce the level of glutathione in the body. However, it has been proven that whey can help reverse this scenario.

There are many whey supplements in the market today. Feel free to read the labels and see which one is the best option for you.